Keep Calm
A great gallery in London selling wonderful prints. Lots here to keep you inspired.25 September 2008
Abby Clawson Low
Great work from Abby. She used to work for Design MW and Kate Spade. Her blog Hi + Low is worth a RSS subscription.25 September 2008
Getting Caught Up
It may be more than 4 months since my last post, but that doesn't mean I haven't been looking. I will be trying to clean out my back log over the next few days (or weeks). It's good to be home.25 September 2008
What is Your Zip Code
This is an amazing piece of programming. Ben Fry's zipdecode. The all streets map is ineresting too.6 May 2008
Mac Apps
I love lists like this. 100 Mac Apps and 6 screen shot utilities. I use Paparazzi.6 May 2008
Tom Waits Press Conference
A link to a great pre-tour press-conference from Tom Waits. I would love to see him live. From the DDC.6 May 2008
Minus Five
Nice design, good writing and some fo the most interesting navigation I have seen in a while.5 May 2008
I (heart) Scrapbookers
Well, not all of them, just mine. Interesting article by Jessica Helfand from an upcoming book about the history of Scrapbooking.4 May 2008
My name is Jonathon Russell and I am a father, a husband and a teacher. This website is a collection of things that may give you some insight into what I do.
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Get in touch: studio [at] jonathonrussell [dot] com